(Nationwide UPS Shipping Available)
Online Orders Only
Monday-Friday 10am - 5:30pm (Pickups start at 9am)
Order T-Shirts Online
Pick up Your Shirts In One Hour


  • 7+business days starting at $7.99
  • 6business days starting at $9.99
  • 4-5business days starting at $12.99
  • 3business days starting at $16.99
  • 2business days starting at $18.99
  • nextbusiness day starting at $21.99
  • onehour starting at $24.99



  • 7+business days starting at $15.99
  • 6business days starting at $16.99
  • 4-5business days starting at $19.99
  • 3business days starting at $22.99
  • 2business days starting at $24.99
  • nextbusiness day starting at $26.99
  • onehour starting at $29.99


Bulk discounts available. Check Pricing for Details

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Could I have directions to your store?
Answer: Let’s be honest here. If you still have to call a store to get directions because you don’t have a smartphone with google maps you probably shouldn’t be ordering custom t-shirts.

Question: Nobody contacted me that my order was ready, I AM PISSED!
Answer: When you go to the cleaners do they call you to tell you that your shirts are done? No, we tell you the date to come get your shit and then you come get it. Simple.

Question: Does your ink wash out?
Answer: We use high end Brother DTG printers. We’ve washed the shirts at home and they do not wash out. However, if you’re buying Sparkle detergent from the dollar store and you let your grandma do your laundry…anything can happen…

Question: I paid the design fee, but didn’t like the design
Answer: Pay another design fee

Question: I’ve been calling you for hours and nobody is answering, WTF?

Question: I’m trying to place a One Hour Turnaround but it says you aren’t accepting them any more today, can I place a One Hour Turnaround?
Question Answer: Have you ever gone to see a movie and it’s been sold out?

Question: Why don’t you “do weekends”?
Answer: The questions you ask are so crazy throughout the week, that if we didn’t have weekends off our heads would explode.

Question: Why do I have to pay up front for my order?
Answer: The same reason you have to pay for your McDonalds before u eat it.

Question: How can you only be open till 5:30? That’s when I get off work!
Answer: If we stayed open later we would have to increase our prices and seeing as our low pricing is why everyone comes here for shirts, the hours YOU work are irrelevant.We do have an after hours pick-up option, search harder and you’ll find it.

Question: Is this a franchise?
Answer: If by franchise you mean star player on a team, then YES!, we are all franchise players here.

Question: Is there parking available?
Answer: There is only non-metered street parking available. BUT this is Chicago, so don’t expect to find a parking spot without getting a ticket.

Question: My order is due today but I would like to cancel it, is that alright?
Answer: Yea sure, but you’re not getting your money back.

Question: Your staff was very rude can I please speak to a manager?
Answer: That person who was rude was a manager.

Question: Can I pick-up my order after you close?
Answer: Let me check with the ghosts in our haunted store who can assist you once we leave.

Question: How long do I have to pick up my order after it’s completed?
Answer: We are not a storage facility, our space is limited. After 60 days we donate your order to the homeless. If that’s a problem, take it up with them.

Question: What’s with all the sarcasm?
Answer: Had a rough day.

Question: Why are you guys so awesome?
Answer: It’s like when all those kids came together with the rings to form Captain Planet. Same shit.