- 7+business days starting at $7.99
- 6business days starting at $9.99
- 4-5business days starting at $11.99
- 3business days starting at $14.99
- 2business days starting at $16.99
- nextbusiness day starting at $18.99
- onehour starting at $21.99
Bulk discounts available. Check Pricing for Details Pricing above is for light garments only, for darks check pricesheet.
Design Mockups & Proofs
What is a Mockup or Proof?
We provide digital mockups with certain order types so that you can see how the design will look on your t-shirts before you complete your order.
Our designers will take the design that you provided and lay it out on a digital image of a t-shirt, or other garment, and position it properly so that you can approve the layout of the design.
At One Hour Tees we offer a couple different options in terms of Mockups and Proofs for your custom t-shirts and apparel to ensure that everything looks as you imagined before the printing process is started.
Free Digital Mockups
Digital mockups will be sent for approval once you have placed and made payment on your order.
Digital Mockups – Under 10 Pieces
If you provided your artwork, your artwork will be printed on the shirt at the dimensions listed on your invoice. If you are worried about the color of the prints, you can visit our Ink Color Charts page, or come into our store to check out our T-shirt color print chart.
Once you have approved the invoice there will be no refunds on design dimensions or placement.
Please keep in mind that all front center logos are printed approximately 3 inches down from the seam of the collar. All back shoulder logos are printed approximately 4 inches down from the collar. This is standard positioning. If you wish to have it done differently you must let us know so we can make note in your order.