- 7+business days starting at $7.99
- 6business days starting at $9.99
- 4-5business days starting at $11.99
- 3business days starting at $14.99
- 2business days starting at $16.99
- nextbusiness day starting at $18.99
- onehour starting at $21.99
Bulk discounts available. Check Pricing for Details Pricing above is for light garments only, for darks check pricesheet.
Ink Color Charts
Before choosing your shirt color, you must first understand what a white ink under base is.
*Contact [email protected] to purchase a color chart sample kit.
A white ink under base is when we print your design in all white on your t-shirt first, and then we go back over the white areas with the colors you’ve chosen. This allows the design to pop off of any color t-shirt regardless of how dark or light it may be. Without printing a white ink under base on your colored t-shirt, your design runs the risk of blending in to the color of the t-shirt itself, thus preventing it from being displayed as you intended.
Use the chart below to pick the color shirt you want printed, and then decide if you need a white ink under base or not.