- 7+business days starting at $7.99
- 6business days starting at $9.99
- 4-5business days starting at $11.99
- 3business days starting at $14.99
- 2business days starting at $16.99
- nextbusiness day starting at $18.99
- onehour starting at $21.99
Bulk discounts available. Check Pricing for Details Pricing above is for light garments only, for darks check pricesheet.
A quality custom t-shirt comes from two things, a unique design and quality materials; nothing else matters. This resources section will help you design the best possible shirt you can, all by yourself… Or, if you prefer, one of our creative designers can help you as well.
In this section you will find resources aimed at helping you find fonts that work for your design, color schemes that will flow perfectly on your shirts, clip-art that will help convey your message, as well as information about our printing process and artwork specifications.
Fonts & Clipart
Don’t have your own artwork already created, don’t let that get you down. There are great resources out there to help you find the perfect font and clipart for your custom shirt. And the best part is they are all royalty free.
Ink Color Charts
When it comes to designing your custom t-shirt, it is important to know what color shirt you plan on choosing, in order to determine which colors will print well over them.Different color designs will look better on different color shirts. You wouldn’t create a red design and then print it on a red shirt right? Our color charts will help you determine which design colors will look best on which t-shirt colors.
Types of Printing
Depending on the type of shirt you’re looking to create, we offer a variety of different printing methods. Each printing method is designed to give you the custom finish you’re looking for.We offer traditional screen-printing as well as direct to garment printing (DTG) for t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other apparel. As well as embroidery for a more professional, lasting, look for polo shirts and ball caps.
Artwork Specifications
We know that designers have their preferred tools of the trade, so if you’ve already designed your t-shirt in your favorite program, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.While we accept most typical file formats, please keep in mind that whether you’re screen-printing or using our direct to garment printing, each method requires different file types.
Design Mockups and Proofs
Design a Custom T-Shirt
Don’t have access to Photoshop, Illustrator, or another design program, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.Use our custom design tool to place text and graphics on the front and/or back of a custom t-shirt. This tool is extremely simple to use and will have you whipping up ideas faster than they can come out of your head. With a range of fonts and clipart already built into the tool, you won’t need to spend time searching for assets; instead you can just get to designing!
Our talented staff and designers are always here to help you if you have questions regarding design or our printing process, so feel free to contact us at any time.
We pride ourselves on being the premiere t-shirt printing shop in the Chicagoland area, and will do anything we can to help you through the process.